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Wellness Care

WCVC has a comprehensive wellness program that operates 5 days a week and offers a variety of options to make caring for your pet both affordable and accessible.  We are equipped with a full pharmacy, in house lab equipment, and a digital xray system to help ensure a quick and accurate plan for you and your pet.

Cat lounging

Cat Wellness Prices

Routine Wellness Visit



Sick/Injured Urgent Wellness Visit



Rabies Vaccine, 1 Year



Rabies Vaccine, 3 Year (proof of prev. vaccine req'd)



Distemper Vaccine, 1 Year (FVRCP)



Distemper Vaccine, 3 Year (FVRCP)



FeLV Test



FeLV/FIV Combo Test (age 6 months +)



FeLV Vaccine






Fecal Exam



Nail Trim



Dog Wellness Prices

Routine Wellness Visit



Sick/Injured Urgent Wellness Visit



Rabies Vaccine, 1 Year



Rabies Vaccine, 3 Year (proof of prev. vaccine req'd)



Distemper Vaccine, 1 Year (DHPP)



Distemper Vaccine, 3 Year (DHPP)



Leptospirosis Vaccine



Bordatella Intranasal Vaccine



Lyme Vaccine



Heartworm Test (age 6 months & up)






Fecal Exam



Nail Trim



French Bulldog

Additional Wellness Resources:

If you are a current client and just need a refill on a previously prescribed medication, check out our online pharmacy - medications are even delivered right to your home! 

Online Pharmacy Link

If you have a healthy pet who just needs routine vaccine updates, read more on our vaccine clinics to see if this is a better option for you and your pet. 

Vaccine Clinic Link

Check out our current flea, tick and heartworm preventative selections, pricing & purchasing options.

Prevention Pricing
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